Reproductive Freedom for All 2024 Federal Policy Consultant
Request for Proposal
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to identify and hire a federal policy consultant.Organization Background
Reproductive Freedom for All fights for reproductive freedom for every person in every state. We organize and mobilize to ensure everybody has access to abortion care, birth control, paid family leave, and pregnancy discrimination protections.
How we communicate our work is essential to including all of the 8 in 10 Americans who believe in the legal right to abortion. That is why we are looking for a translator who can work with us on a monthly retainer to translate our materials.
Project Overview
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to identify and hire a federal policy consultant.
We are aiming to hire a federal policy consultant by January 24, 2025 who will support the Government Relations (GR) team’s federal lobbying and policy portfolio. Embedding with the GR team, the contractor will monitor, analyze, and produce written materials related to federal reproductive freedom policy actions, including legislation and executive and agency actions.
The consultant will need to be skilled and experienced as follows:
- Experience working on Capitol Hill and/or familiarity with federal legislative or executive policy processes;
- Strong written and oral communication skills and attention to detail;
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively while meeting deadlines consistently with minimal supervision;
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, and to efficiently manage multiple tasks and timelines simultaneously;
- Experience in contributing to healthy teams that allow each team member to contribute to their fullest and thrive;
- Commitment to ensuring anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of our work and our organization;
- Ability and desire to work to support members of marginalized communities in alignment with Reproductive Freedom for All intersectional commitments;
- Demonstrated commitment to Reproductive Freedom for All’s mission, values, and goals;
RFP Objectives
Reproductive Freedom for All is looking for a federal policy consultant to:
- Track, review, and analyze reproductive freedom-related activity on Capitol Hill—such as hearings, markups, and floor votes—and in the executive branch as part of the federal Government Relations team;
- Assist with the organization’s work on intersectional commitments by tracking and monitoring partner requests for engagement and policy developments in key policy areas;
- Write, edit, and update policy memos, fact sheets, model legislation, preparatory materials for legislative hearings, and other policy and advocacy documents, maintaining a commitment to excellence and promoting equity and inclusion in language and content;
- Review external-facing, cross-department materials for policy accuracy, including press releases, talking points, emails to members, and other materials;
- Help craft departmental publications identifying trends in federal legislative policy;
- Conduct electoral research on federal level elected officials in coordination and collaboration with the Political Department;
- Create and maintain internal tracking documents to inform lobbying efforts; and
- Provide general administrative support to the Government Relations department, as needed.
Budget Details
The budget for this project is $5000 monthly retainer.
RFP Point of Contact and Timeline
Please direct all questions and submit all materials to:
Amy Williams Navarro ([email protected]) and Ryan Stitzlein ([email protected])
January 17, 2025: RFP is sent
January 22, 2025: Proposals must be received by Reproductive Freedom for All.
January 23, 2025: Review period closes
January 24, 2025: Contractor selected
January 27, 2025: Contractor begins
RFP Questions
Your Experience and Approach
- Please describe your experience producing similar work for progressive organizations, including highlighting any experience working on federal (legislative or administrative) advocacy.
- Please describe how you approach a research project when you are unsure about how to proceed. (i.e., whether something falls within the scope of the research question, when to stop, etc.)
- Please describe your approach to navigating setbacks and shifting deadlines.
- Please include 2-3 samples of your work (i.e. policy memos, bill analyses)
About You
- Please state how many years you have performed work in this discipline.
- Please provide the names and contact information of two clients or references with whom you have worked directly and can speak to your work.
- Describe your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Provide specific examples that support this commitment.
- Describe your efforts to support reproductive freedom and social justice issues. Provide specific examples of these efforts, for example, have you worked with other progressive advocacy or reproductive freedom organizations?
- Please indicate whether you describe yourself or your company as identified below and whether there is certification/representation at the ownership level in the following categories:
- Minority-owned
- Women-owned
- LGBT+-owned
- Disabled-owned
- Veteran-owned
- Union affiliated