Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Letter from our Chief of Equity, Culture, and Talent
Chief of Equity, Culture, and Talent
Supporters, members, and friends,
In the year since I wrote this letter for our 2022 Annual Report, our organization has continued to evolve. With our new name and brand, Reproductive Freedom for All, we are centering the experiences of those most impacted by bans and restrictions on reproductive freedom. And we work every day to ensure that commitment is at the heart of our work.
As we grow, we are dedicated to living the values set forth in our board’s Road Map to Equity—collaboration, equity, excellence, inclusion, and transparency. The road map is the guiding light for our Equity, Culture, and Talent team, which has grown significantly over the last year. Our team of five comes with years of experience, and they are helping us change for the better, improving the experience of our more than 80 staff members, located across the country. This page is a testament to their hard work and dedication.
Thank you for being here—and we hope you will continue to be a part of our community.
In unity,
The Equity, Culture, and Talent team carefully assesses how we operate, to ensure that our staff members have the tools and resources they need to thrive in their work.
IN 2023, WE:
We also work with our program teams to ensure that the work we do externally reflects our values and commitments, and enables us to show up for our partners, members, and more. That includes:
Creating messaging that reflects diverse communities,
with the goal of representing and reflecting the voices of all communities impacted by our work.
Sharing our tools, resources, and experience to help our allies and partners build power
in their communities and fight for change in the reproductive freedom movement and the broader progressive movement.
Developing a Heritage Month program
in recognition of the diversity of our staff, members, and volunteers, and to foster inclusivity.
We continue to build programs that enhance the experience of our staff and make us better allies.
We are built on people power, and we will never stop trying to make this organization a better, more inclusive place.
Board of Directors: 501(c)3 and 501(c)4
Opponents of reproductive freedom move fast—and so do you.
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