Privacy Policy & Terms of Use
At Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC, we are committed to protecting your privacy online. Our privacy policy explains the information practices Reproductive Freedom for All uses related to:
- How we use your information
- How we protect your information
- How to unsubscribe from mailing lists
- How to correct information you provided
- How to contact us about privacy
Reproductive Freedom for All has also signed the Direct Marketing Associations (DMA) Privacy Promise to American Consumers that took effect for all DMA members on July 1, 1999. This policy can be found at
Our site links to a limited number of other websites. Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of these websites.
How Do We Use the Information You Provide?
When you volunteer online or sign up for our email list, our forms ask you to give Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC contact information including: name, mailing address, email address and how you wish to help us. Unless you opt-out, we will use your email address to send you updates on reproductive freedom issues and to ask you to take an action such as contacting your Congressperson. Additionally, you may receive periodic fundraising communications.
Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC exchange email names within its sister organizations to the extent permitted by law but not with other non-Reproductive Freedom for All organizations. You may remove your name from our email list at any time by emailing a request to [email protected].
We use your address information to send you information about Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC and to help match your interests to our grassroots organizing efforts. Since we are a grassroots organization, we will provide your contact information to our field organizers. You may remove your name from all of our volunteer and activist lists by sending your request to [email protected]. We do not share our volunteer or activist lists with any other site or any other non-Reproductive Freedom for All entity.
When you contribute money online: Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC accept contributions by credit card online. In addition to your name, mailing address and email address, we make a note of your telephone number if you choose to provide it, but you are not required to do so. By providing us with this information, you allow us to quickly contact you concerning federal legislation, our grassroots efforts and new research products. Reproductive Freedom for All may exchange or rent our contributor list of names and mailing addresses to other organizations unless you use the opt-out feature on the contribution page. We do not exchange email addresses.
Unless you opt out, we may use the information you provide us when you contribute by mail or online, or when you download a form from our web site to contact you for other purposes or to solicit you for additional contributions.
Reproductive Freedom for All purchases mailing lists from other organizations and as a result you may receive mailings or email from us.
Cookies: A cookie is a tiny text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a web site such as Reproductive Freedom for All’s. To enhance your experience with our site, some pages may use cookies. Additionally, portions of our site link to external sites that have their own Privacy Policy governing the use of cookies. Please refer to these external sites for additional information. and will use cookies to tailor your experience on our site to your general geographic location and interests. In these cases, we will always ask permission before placing a cookie file on your computer, and unless you choose to furnish us with personally identifiable information there will be nothing in our cookie files that identifies you personally. Should you choose to furnish the site with personally identifiable information, this information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie.
Information on children: Reproductive Freedom for All, Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation and NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC do not specifically ask children under 18 for any information and do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information about them.
How Do We Protect Your Information?
Our website has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information under our control. Our server is located in a locked, secure environment. All databases containing personal information are securely stored on a separate system that is not connected to the Internet.
When you contribute online, we use a secure server and encryption to protect your credit card number and other personal information during transmission.
Unsubscribing from Email
All messages sent by Reproductive Freedom for All’s email list include information on how to unsubscribe quickly and easily through an automated system.
If you wish to unsubscribe or need to process a change to your email address, send your requested changes to [email protected].
Correcting Your Information
Reproductive Freedom for All’s website does not require you to register nor do we assign visitors a password. Therefore, we have no way to verify your identity when you visit our site. To protect your privacy, we provide a password-protected form to update your information online. If you need to correct or update your information, please send email to [email protected] and we will give you instructions on how to use our secure online member update form.
Mobile Terms and Conditions
- There is no fee from Reproductive Freedom for All to receive text messages. Message and data rates may apply — this can be checked with your mobile service provider. Charges are billed and payable to your mobile service provider or deducted from your prepaid account. Consent is not a requirement for purchase.
- Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your mobile phone number, your carrier’s name, and the date, time, and content of your messages. We may use this information to contact you and provide the services you request from us. Alerts sent via SMS may not be delivered if the mobile phone is not in range of a transmission site, or if sufficient network capacity is not available at a particular time. Even within a coverage area, factors beyond the control of the wireless operator may interfere with message delivery, including the customer’s equipment, terrain, proximity to buildings, foliage, and weather. Wireless operators do not guarantee message delivery and will not be held liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
- For information on data collection and use, please read our full Privacy Policy, outlined above.
- We will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS message as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator.
- By subscribing to Reproductive Freedom for All alerts, the user consents to receive automated text messages from Reproductive Freedom for All. Messages frequency varies. Message & data rates may apply.
- If you have any questions, text HELP to 59791 or contact us at 202.973.3000 or [email protected]. To stop receiving messages, text STOP to 59791.
Contacting Us about Privacy
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, the information we have collected from you online, the practices of this site, or your interaction with this website, send us an email. If you have made a donation, please contact [email protected]. If you are a member of our email list, please contact [email protected].
You can also reach us via US Mail at:
Reproductive Freedom for All – Membership Department
1725 Eye Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006