Nevada - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America


We're working to expand access to abortion care and fighting to ensure reproductive freedom for everybody in Nevada.

Nevada supporters at the state capitol

Reproductive Freedom for All Nevada

Reproductive Freedom For All state chapters build grassroots and political power to engage and mobilize communities, lobby state lawmakers, and advocate for reproductive freedom.

In Nevada, we’re expanding reproductive freedom and defending access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care in the southwest.

Nevada’s Reproductive Freedom Laws at a Glance

Abortion Rights and Access

  • Voter-affirmed right to abortion enshrined into state law
  • Allows abortion care up to 24 weeks of pregnancy
  • No laws on private insurer coverage of abortion
  • No public coverage for abortion care, except in limited circumstances


  • Has expanded access to emergency contraception
  • Ensures no cost-sharing (such as copays) for contraception
  • Allows pharmacists to dispense birth control
  • Guaranteed expanded coverage for contraceptives with private insurers and expanded coverage for Medicaid-funded family planning services

Pregnant Workers

  • Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations in the workplace for pregnant employees

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