History - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America


Reproductive Freedom For All, formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America, has helped lead the charge for over 50 years in the fight for abortion rights, access to birth control, parental leave policies, and pregnancy protections.

1969 NARAL Planning Meeting


NARAL is established.

The National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, NARAL, is established at the "First National Conference on Abortion Laws: Modification or Repeal" conference held in Chicago.

1972: Eisenstadt v. Baird

Eisenstadt v. Baird establishes the right of unmarried people to possess contraception on the same basis as married couples.



NARAL changes its name to the National Abortion Rights Action League.

The Supreme Court hands down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, recognizing the constitutional right to privacy encompasses the right to choose abortion.

Watch: CBS News coverage of decision

1975: NARAL further engages in federal lobbying

After Ken Edelin, an OBGYN from Massachusetts, was sent to prison for performing an abortion, NARAL moves its office from New York to Washington, DC, placing more emphasis on federal lobbying.

Representative Pat Schroeder addresses abortion rights rally on the Capitol steps


The Hyde Amendment passes, barring federal funds from being used to pay for abortion except in case of rape or incest or to save the life of the woman.

NARAL launches a massive mailing campaign to Congress.

Watch: Video on Hyde Amendment

1977: NARAL Foundation established

NARAL Foundation established to provide an education component to the work of its sister organization.

1985: "Abortion Rights, Silent No More" campaign launches

NARAL launches the “Abortion Rights, Silent No More” campaign, using the slogan “We are Your Mothers, Your Daughters, Your Sisters, Your Friends, and Abortion is a Choice We Have Made.”

A collection of 40,000 letters gathered from women in every state are read in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1985.

1987: President Reagan's anti-choice SCOTUS nomination defeated

NARAL and other reproductive freedom organizations are instrumental in defeating President Reagan’s nomination of anti-choice Judge Robert Bork to the United States Supreme Court.

1989: March for Women's Lives and Mobilize for Women's Lives

NARAL cosponsors the March for Women’s Lives and Mobilize for Women’s Lives in Washington, D.C.

The marches draw record-breaking crowds protesting restrictive, anti-abortion laws.

NARAL Members at the March for Women's Lives


In response to Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a Supreme Court decision that scaled back the constitutional protections provided by Roe v. Wade, NARAL organizes the March for Women's Lives, drawing over 750,000 people to Washington, D.C.

1993: NARAL changes its name and broadens its mission

NARAL changes its name to the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League and broadens its mission: To develop and sustain a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every person the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive health care, including access to contraception and abortion care.

1995: Passage of FACE Act

NARAL works towards the passage and celebrates the enactment of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act, which forbids threats, force, or physical obstructions aimed at preventing someone from obtaining reproductive health services.

NARAL helps organize the Women’s Rights rally on October 7, 1995 in New York City protesting the arrival of anti-choice Pope John Paul II.


After receiving the largest grant in its history, the NARAL Foundation launches Choice for America, a multi-year, marketing and mobilization campaign to revitalize the core principles and values underlying the reproductive freedom movement.

2000: Supreme Court strikes down Nebraska abortion ban

In Stenberg v. Carhart, the Supreme Court strikes down a Nebraska ban on second trimester abortions, invalidating similar laws in many other states.

2003: NARAL becomes NARAL Pro-Choice America

NARAL changes its name to NARAL Pro-Choice America.

2004: March for Women's Lives in Washington D.C

NARAL participates in the March for Women’s Lives in Washington D.C. More than a million advocates are present, making the march the largest demonstration in American history at the time.


Watch: NARAL President at March

2009: President Obama repeals Global Gag Rule

In the first few days of his presidency, former President Barack Obama signs several executive orders, including a repeal of the Global Gag Rule banning federal funds to foreign family planning organizations that offer abortions or provide information or counseling on abortion.



President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. The law is a critical advancement for reproductive health care which mandates that private insurers cover co-pay free birth control, well woman visits, mammograms, breast feeding support, and maternity care as an essential benefit. People can no longer be denied health insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions like pregnancy nor can they be charged more for health insurance.

Watch: President Obama signing the ACA

2011: State legislature begin attacking reproductive freedom

In response to the ACA’s pro-reproductive freedom policies, state legislatures begin attacking reproductive freedom.

Abortion coverage bans, 20-week bans, and other anti-abortion measures are taken up by state legislatures across the country.

2013: NARAL launches the Men for Choice program

NARAL launches the Men for Choice program, organizing men who support the fight for reproductive freedom.

Prominent Men for Choice include Senator Cory Booker, Senator Chris VanHollen, Governor Gavin Newsom, Norman Lear, Tony Goldwyn, David Eigenberg, Matt McGorry, and Moby.

Watch: Men for Choice

2015: Clinic attacks must be investigated as domestic terrorism

NARAL urges the United States Department of Justice to direct the FBI to investigate attacks on clinics as domestic terrorism just days before an attack at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.

Watch: No more domestic terrorism

2016: Presidential endorsements and #AskAboutAbortion campaign

NARAL endorses Secretary Hillary Clinton for President of the United States ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

NARAL also leads the successful #AskAboutAbortion campaign in which over 50,000 Americans and the heads of nine leading grassroots organizations called on debate moderators to ask a question about abortion during the Democratic primary debates.

NARAL successfully encourages the Democratic National Committee to include a repeal of the discriminatory Hyde amendment in the party’s platform for the first time.

Watch: Hillary Clinton speaking at a NARAL event

2017: Establishing roots in Georgia and launching "The People's Defense"

NARAL establishes a new chapter in Georgia, a state with plentiful opportunities to elect reproductive freedom legislators. The chapter was a key supporter of Stacey Abrams’ historic campaign for Georgia governor.

Former President Donald Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s vacancy on the United States Supreme Court. In response, NARAL launches “The People’s Defense,” a massive grassroots campaign to defeat Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

2018: Turning out and investing in midterm elections

NARAL joins MoveOn and other progressive organizations in holding a national day of action to “Unite for Justice” to fight former President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and demand that our representatives in Washington act NOW to protect our most fundamental rights and freedoms.

NARAL launches its largest ever midterm election program to advance reproductive freedom candidates, “Our Values, Our Future, Our Vote,” spending 5 million to invest in candidates up and down the ballot in 19 states.

2019: Reality of Roe campaign

NARAL launches Reality of Roe, a major campaign to educate Americans in all 50 states about the current threat to the legal right to abortion and reproductive freedom in their communities, and to mobilize its 2 million members to take action in support of protecting and expanding access.

The Reality of Roe campaign works to secure policy victories where opportunities exist—especially as a result of electoral gains at the state level in the 2018 elections —and defends against major legislative threats.

2021: Endorsements for 2022 midterm elections

NARAL announced its endorsement of 20 incumbents running for reelection in the 2022 midterm election for seats in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.


The Supreme Court upholds Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning Roe v. Wade and ending the constitutional right to abortion in the United States as we know it.

This decision activates millions around the country to fight back. NARAL launches the Fight Back for Freedom campaign to harness the momentum of this moment and hold anti-abortion lawmakers accountable.


NARAL launches its 2023 "Freedom for Everybody" organizing and mobilization program. This program builds on the momentum of the midterms, giving voters and supporters more ways to act on their values by training them to organize in their own communities.

NARAL changes its name to Reproductive Freedom for All as it continues its commitment to equitable access to reproductive health care.

Reproductive Freedom for All Michigan members with Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Lansing, Michigan for The Blue Wall Bus Tour.


Reproductive Freedom for All runs its largest-ever electoral program to galvanize voters for the 2024 election.

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