Copyright - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America


Some portions of the site are copyrighted ©2023-2025 by Reproductive Freedom for AllTMand others are copyrighted ©2023-2025 by Reproductive Freedom for All FoundationTM. Reproductive Freedom for All and Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation are the trademarks of Reproductive Freedom for All.

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Reproductive Freedom for All and Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation maintain this site for your personal information and education. You may download, print out, or send a copy of materials on this site to others as long as it is used only for personal, non-commercial use. When copying, reproducing, or distributing content from this site, you may not edit or otherwise change the substance of the content or change or delete any copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices. Reproducing or transmitting electronically material from this site for bulk or commercial use without prior permission is expressly prohibited.

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The materials on this site are provided solely for educational, informational, and promotional purposes. Reproductive Freedom for All and Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation do not guarantee the accuracy of the contents of this site. Laws change, often quite rapidly, and case decisions can alter the legal landscape. Additionally, delays may be incurred in updating or including information on the site. Reproductive Freedom for All and Reproductive Freedom for All Foundation specifically disclaim any liability for loss incurred as a consequence of the use of any material on this site.

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