California Future of Abortion Council Announces Support of Constitutional Amendment to Reinforce Access to Abortion and Contraception in California Constitution - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America

Press Release

California Future of Abortion Council Announces Support of Constitutional Amendment to Reinforce Access to Abortion and Contraception in California Constitution

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Information Below

Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins Continues Reproductive Freedom Leadership with Historic New Effort

CALIFORNIA —The California Future of Abortion Council (CA FAB Council) Steering Committee, comprised of ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE, Black Women For Wellness Action Project, Essential Access Health, NARAL Pro-Choice California, National Health Law Program, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, and Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare (TEACH), released the following statement in strong support of California Leaders Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and Legislative Women’s Caucus Chair Assemblymember Cristina Garcia and Vice Chair Senator Nancy Skinner introducing Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 10. The legislation seeks to amend the California State Constitution to explicitly state that Californians have the fundamental right to access abortion and contraception.

“As the right to abortion and the underlying right to privacy come under increasing threat nationwide, California is once again leading the way to protect the right to access abortion and contraceptive care. We thank pro Tem Atkins for introducing SCA 10, and for her bold leadership during this moment of national crisis. Amending our state’s constitution to ensure peopleregardless of what happens in states across the countrycan indisputably get the essential health care they want and need here in California is crucial. The California Future of Abortion Council steering committee organizations look forward to supporting this groundbreaking measure as it advances through the legislative process. Once SCA 10 passes the legislature, California voters will weigh-in on this critical issue and have the opportunity to once again reaffirm that health care is a right, upholding California’s values of health care access and equity – protecting abortion for generations to come.”

The California Constitution explicitly protects the right to privacy, the underlying right that Roe v. Wade was decided on and that sets the legal foundation for the right to abortion. However, last month the U.S. Supreme Court’s leaked draft decision highlighted just how at-risk the fundamental right to privacy is at the federal level. If California is to truly remain a Reproductive Freedom State for generations to come, this effort is crucial and paves a path forward for other states to follow.

In response to nationwide attacks on reproductive health care, the State’s leading reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations formed the California Future of Abortion Council to create a blueprint for California (and the nation) with how best to safeguard and expand abortion access. This legislative effort joins the California Future of Abortion Council’s comprehensive and forward-thinking legislative package aimed at protecting and expanding access to abortion in California for all who need it.


Brandon Richards, Director of Communications
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California
[email protected], 916.233.3857

Elliott Kozuch, Senior Communications Strategist
NARAL Pro-Choice California
[email protected] 


The “California Future of Abortion Council” (CA FAB Council) is comprised of reproductive freedom and sexual and reproductive health care allies, partners, and leaders. The CA FAB Council works in collaboration with policymakers, researchers, advocates, providers, patients, and key constituents to determine potential challenges in the state and recommend solutions that will continue to provide access and stability for both Californians and those who may seek services here from out of state. The CA FAB Council allows for those dedicated to protecting reproductive rights and expanding access to sexual and reproductive health care to come together. Learn more here.