Comprehensive National Survey of Latino Voters Finds Widespread Support for Reproductive Freedom - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America

Press Release

Comprehensive National Survey of Latino Voters Finds Widespread Support for Reproductive Freedom

For Immediate Release: October 11, 2022

Contact: [email protected][email protected]

Comprehensive National Survey of Latino Voters Finds Widespread Support for Reproductive Freedom 

Washington, DC – NARAL Pro-Choice America and Latino Victory Project today announced the results of an in-depth national survey of Latino voters and reproductive freedom, including access to abortion. The survey, conducted by BSP Research, found vast majority support for reproductive freedom across age, gender, and geographic groupings. Seventy-two percent of Latino voters across the country agree that it is wrong to make abortion illegal and take that freedom away from others.

The survey offers a look at Latino voters’ perspective on reproductive rights and freedom six weeks before the midterm elections.

The key findings can be summarized as follows: 

  • 84% of Latino voters say they think making decisions about whether an abortion is the right option should be between patients and doctors, not politicians and judges 
  • Overall, 82% support reproductive freedom, including: 
    • 93% of Latino voters under the age of 30 
    • 84% of Independents 
    • 83% of Latino voters aged 30-49 
    • 83% of likely 2022 voters 
    • 83% who self-identify as Catholic 
    • 79% of Latino men 
    • 73% of Latino voters 50 and over 
    • 64% of Latinos who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 
    • 60% of Republicans overall 
  • 72% of Latino voters agree with the statement: “No matter what my personal beliefs about abortion are, I think it is wrong to make abortion illegal and take away the freedom to make those decisions from everyone else.”
  • 71% of Latinos said they could NOT vote for a candidate who supports a nationwide ban on abortions with no exceptions. Similarly, 70% said they are less likely to vote for a politician who seeks to ban abortion, contraception, and Plan B.

NARAL Research Director Dina Montemarano: 

“For years there have been widespread assumptions that Latino voters oppose abortion access. This survey answers those assumptions with facts and data to show that Latino voters strongly support reproductive freedom and have serious concerns today about abortion bans in many states. Not only do vast majorities say that decisions about abortion should be between patients and their doctors, but 71% say they couldn’t support a candidate who favors a nationwide abortion ban.” 

Latino Victory Project Managing Director Yvonne Gutierrez: 

“Abortion bans and restrictions in states across the country are inflicting irreparable damage to millions of Latinas who already face barriers to accessing abortion and reproductive health care in general. This survey shows that reproductive rights and freedom, including abortion, are a top concern for Latino voters regardless of age, political affiliation or personal belief. Abortion rights are on the ballot this November, and this poll’s results underscore Latino voters’ support for this issue and highlight the immense potential that we have to protect and expand reproductive rights and abortion in our country.” 

There are approximately 32 million eligible Latino voters in the United States, the second-largest electorate in the country. Latino voters are an influential voting bloc that can have a tremendous impact on election results up and down the ballot. 

Earlier this year, NARAL released a first-of-its kind report, Translating Abortion Disinformation: The Spanish-Language Anti-Choice Landscape, detailing how anti-choice disinformation disseminates online in Spanish-language spaces and how it could impact Spanish-speaking communities in the United States. The report, available in English and Spanish, examines all Spanish-language political advertisements from the 2020 election cycle that discuss abortion along with nine anti-choice Facebook pages with a combined audience of over 2.79 million followers. Several of these anti-choice pages repeatedly spread medically inaccurate information about abortion without any action from Facebook. 

NARAL’s research has consistently found that social media platforms do little to fact-check or remove disinformation about abortion from their sites in English or Spanish, despite stated commitments to removing medical misinformation. Facebook has been particularly problematic in its moderation decisions around content promoting anti-choice disinformation. 


About The Survey: 

BSP Research surveyed 800 Latino registered voters throughout the U.S. The survey was available in their language of preference, English or Spanish. The study was completed using a blended mode, where 25% of interviews were completed on live telephone calls, and 75% were completed online. The survey was conducted August 31 through September 14, 2022 and carries a margin-of-error of +/- 3.5%. 

About NARAL Pro-Choice America: 

For over 50 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels—including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave—for every body. NARAL is powered by its 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.

About Latino Victory Fund: 

The Latino Victory Project develops a pipeline of Latino leaders and shapes public discourse to reflect the growing influence of the Latino community while also building cross-constituency alliances that can move the country forward.