Press Release Georgia
💜 More Like a Repro Freedom Wave 🌊
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, we knew we wouldn’t win back the constitutional right to abortion in one election.
But thanks to impressive get-out-the-vote efforts by NARAL members and volunteers, voters in the deepest blue and deepest red states alike showed up to defend reproductive freedom through ballot initiatives proposing constitutional amendments.
While many races remain too close to call and Democratic majorities in Congress are still up in the air, the results of these ballot initiatives prove that when given the chance to definitively vote on abortion, voters resoundingly support protecting and preserving access
Our movement proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that Americans overwhelmingly support the legal right to abortion—and when abortion is on the ballot, people really show up.
In Michigan, while reelecting reproductive freedom champion Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, voters also amended the state constitution to guarantee the right to abortion and contraception.
A similar outcome was visible in Kentucky. Despite reelecting a MAGA Republican to the U.S. Senate by more than 20 points, voters in the Bluegrass State easily defeated a constitutional amendment that would have stated there is no right to abortion.
From California, our nation’s most populous state, to Vermont—one of the smallest—voters overwhelmingly approved ballot initiatives protecting the right to abortion.
Heading into this election, the political chattering class was obsessed with some “red wave” that completely failed to materialize. Instead, in every corner of our country, voters drove a reproductive freedom wave—all thanks to the leadership of NARAL Pro-Choice members and volunteers like you.
Anti-choice extremists worked for 50 years to dismantle our fundamental right to abortion—and fighting back will take time. But last night was an enormous step in the right direction, and we should all be proud of these historic accomplishments.
There’s more work ahead, for sure, and if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and continue the fight back for freedom, here are three ways to get involved right now:
- Make a contribution to NARAL right now. Every dollar helps defend reproductive freedom from extremists’ attacks and hold MAGA Republicans accountable at the ballot box.
- Sign up to volunteer with NARAL. There’s a runoff happening in Georgia that could decide control of the U.S. Senate. You won’t want to sit on the sidelines.
- Sign up for our mobile alerts list by texting JOIN to 59791. We’ll only send you urgent updates that help you stay in-the-know on the fight for reproductive freedom.
NARAL and its four million members were made for this moment. And together, we taught the world a crystal-clear lesson yesterday: We will never back down from a fight.