Press Release California
Press Release
NARAL Pro-Choice America Condemns Rep. Michelle Steel’s Hate-Fueled Ad Against NARAL-Endorsed Candidate Jay Chen
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Contact: [email protected]
NARAL Pro-Choice America Condemns Rep. Michelle Steel’s Hate-Fueled Ad Against NARAL-Endorsed Candidate Jay Chen
California — Today, NARAL Pro-Choice America issued a statement condemning anti-choice Republican candidate, Rep. Michelle Steel’s racist attack ad against NARAL-endorsed Democrat Jay Chen in the race to represent California’s 45th Congressional District.
NARAL Pro-Choice America President Mini Timmaraju and NARAL Pro-Choice California Director Shannon Olivieri Hovis released the following statement:
“Michelle Steel is so desperate to avoid answering for her out-of-touch position on abortion that she would rather issue a blatantly racist ad attacking her opponent than be honest about her values. Well, she just showed us exactly what her values are, and they’re abhorrent. Rep. Steel is an extreme Republican and is out of step with her district—voting twice against protecting access to abortion care through the Women’s Health Protection Act. She’s voted against protecting contraception and sponsored a bill that would ban abortion everywhere—even here in California —and put contraception and fertility treatments at risk. Jay Chen has served his country and always worked to protect our fundamental freedoms. We proudly support Jay Chen for Congress because crisis calls for leadership, and we can’t afford to send Michelle Steel back to Washington.”
For over 50 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels—including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave—for every body. NARAL is powered by its 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.