NARAL Pro-Choice America Releases New Research on Anti-Abortion Extremism - Reproductive Freedom for All

Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America

Press Release

NARAL Pro-Choice America Releases New Research on Anti-Abortion Extremism

Washington, DC Today, NARAL Pro-Choice America released a series of new research memos detailing how anti-abortion extremists are ramping up their radical attacks on our rights in a post-Dobbs America. Emboldened by the fall of Roe v. Wade, anti-abortion lawmakers and groups are sneaking “personhood” ideology into state and federal law, targeting contraception, and working to enact once-unthinkable policies such as instituting the death penalty for people who have an abortion.

NARAL Pro-Choice America Vice President of Communications and Research Angela Vasquez-Giroux released the following statement:

“It’s never been clearer that anti-abortion extremists like Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and the politicians who do their bidding were never going to stop at Roe. In the year since the Supreme Court took away our constitutional right to abortion, they’ve done everything they claimed they would never do: come after birth control, IVF, and other fertility treatments; backed laws putting doctors in jail for providing care; encouraged more Texas-style bounty-hunting laws; and, most shockingly, proposed and supported laws that would allow states to criminalize people—including sentencing people to death—for accessing abortion care. Anti-abortion extremists want Americans to believe they are moderate, compassionate people. Their deeds show otherwise.”  

Toplines from NARAL’s new research memos include:

  • This year alone, Congressional Republicans introduced the “Life at Conception Act” and Republican state lawmakers introduced bills in Arkansas, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Texas that ban abortion and seek to lock an ideological basis for when life begins into law–paving the way for the prosecution of people who seek abortion care, their health care providers, and anyone who helps them.
  • Post-Dobbs, anti-abortion leaders have recycled tactics from their playbook on abortion to target contraception and justify restrictions: amplifying medical disinformation about contraception, concealing their extreme endgame, and disguising their fearmongering and pro-natalist extremism as efforts to “protect (cisgender) women” and their fertility.
  • The harms anti-choice politicians are causing for real people are not glitches in the system, but rather harbingers of more state surveillance, criminalization of pregnancy outcomes, maternal deaths, and damage to our democracy.


For over 50 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels—including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave—for everybody. NARAL is powered by its 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.